Wembley Schools Federation


School values are embedded in distributive leadership, within and across both schools, in a trusting and collegial culture. Outcomes for pupils continue to improve through systematic reviews identifying the most efficient means to generate optimum results.


Mission Statement

The mission of The Wembley Schools Federation is to be a successful working partnership between its schools and its communities, enhancing learning, empowering all learners and enlightening our provision. The federation will work harmoniously within an ethical climate of inclusion, citizenship and care.


The Wembley Schools Federation

The Wembley Schools Federation was created on the 1st September 2020.

The Federation comprises of two schools: Wembley Primary School and Lyon Park Primary School. The Governing Boards of both schools, unanimously agreed to propose a federation in order to capitalise on the educational, financial and resource benefits that such an arrangement would bring. A federation is a governance structure that enables schools to share expertise and resources. Both schools retain their separate identities and continue to receive their individual budgets.

There is one Full Governing Board that leads the two schools, although each school has its own sub-committees. Working in partnership this way, enables governors and staff to compare, contrast and challenge each another in considering the most effective and efficient ways of continually improving the provision for our children and their families.


The Advantages

We consider the advantages to be:


  • Collaboration towards a joint vision for our pupils

  • A foundation of sustainable long term development and improvement through mutual support

  • Improved opportunities for curriculum provision including broader learning and social experiences for children, leading to better outcomes for pupils

  • Greater consistency of teaching and learning

  • Partnership arrangements supporting groups of pupils such as those with Special Educational Needs and both school councils

  • Greater flexibility in staffing and specialisms

  • Shared expertise that guarantees excellent experiences and opportunities for pupils and staff

  • Generating opportunities to work together and reduce isolation

  • Raising educational standards through a coaching and mentoring structure

  • Having a collaborative leadership structure that provides further leadership capacity

  • Greater purchasing power, created by the economies of scale and hence increased value for money.


Mr Rob Fenton
Executive Head Teacher
The Wembley Schools Federation