
Computing and ICT at Lyon Park Primary School promotes and develops the skills relevant to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Our Computing/ICT curriculum’s agenda is twofold; it aims to:


1) help our pupils become confident, independent and safe users of communication technologies,

2) develop children’s understanding of programming, computer technologies and networks to enable them to contribute and participate in the industry of technologies and communication.



The intent of the Computing curriculum is that children are taught to become safe, competent and independent users of communication technologies, internet services and programming. Our curriculum is tailored for the needs of our children and community whilst upholding high standards for progression and achievement. To that end, we use a combination of industry-leading tools and education programmes to ensure that children are challenged at all times and that learning outcomes find pertinence and relevance in a fast-changing world. The different strands of our Computing curriculum are taught across the year groups at the same time, to enable comprehensive peer support, both for teachers and learners, and to make our curriculum endpoints visible and aspirational. Independence and creativity are two key aspects of our intent: children are given numerous opportunities to create original content and use their expertise to select the tools appropriate for their purpose and audience. The following table shows our school’s Computing intent for children.



Computing is implemented using two core documents: the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Computing and the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage

Long term and medium term planning has been developed using the Somerset eLIM planning, Espresso Coding and Lyon Park’s ICT Progression of Skills Document and demonstrates coverage and progression of the attainment expectations at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 as identified in the Computing POS.

The computer science aspects of Computing are taught discretely through the Programming and Technology in our Lives threads of Somerset’s computing model.

Key skills in information technology are developed through Multimedia and Handling Data threads and are integrated into learning in other curriculum areas (see progression of skills and exemplification documents.) There is a whole school approach in the teaching of the ICT/Computing strand.

In the Autumn term the curriculum, the focus is on ICT skills, using PowerPoint to develop animations and apply ICT skills for presentations and displays. This strand allows many cross-curricular opportunities which include topics from other curriculum areas, artistic skills and writing skills.

In the spring term, the school focusses on coding. Learners develop reinforce previous knowledge and learn new skills which they apply to their own creative projects.

In the Summer term, pupils focus on media creation and Digital Literacy (our TIOL strand). This provides further cross-curricular opportunities which includes writing, performing arts, PSHE and SRE.



Progress is assessed on an on-going basis using the ‘I can’ statements for each unit. This ensures teachers are aware of progress in computer science, information technology and digital literacy.

Formative assessment is used by the class teacher and teaching assistant during whole class or group teaching. Children’s achievement and level of confidence is taken into consideration to inform future planning.


Please see links below for further information.

Computing Policy

Computing Progression Map 2022 -2023