

Our history curriculum is designed to encourage our pupils to appreciate human achievements and aspirations, in turn, developing their own, to understand British and world history and focus on how key events have shape the world in which we live today. We want our children to to develop a knowledge of chronology, aiding them to organise events over time including their own lives​ and have a sense of curiosity and develop inquisitive minds whilst respect the values of society, ​



High-quality history education helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. At Lyon Park, we support pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. The Learning Challenge Curriculum is used to support teachers in planning a rich and broad curriculum, specific to the intent, providing pupils with stimulating learning opportunities which motivate them as learners. We believe that all children should receive access to a quality education and as pupils learn in different ways, teaching is adapted to ensure this is possible.


  • To instil a sense of curiosity and develop inquisitive minds

  • To appreciate human achievements and aspirations, in turn, developing their own

  • To understand and respect the values of society

  • To develop a knowledge of chronology, aiding them to organise events over time including their own lives

  • To understand the methods of historical enquiry through the use of a range of sources

  • To identify changes over time and compare lives through paintings, photographs, artefacts

  • To understand how our values and attitudes differ to those of the past

  • To develop the necessary skills to interpret primary and secondary source materials and distinguish between facts and interpretations

  • To ensure there is progression from key stage one through teaching and combination of in-depth and overview studies about British, local and world histories



Our curriculum is designed so that learning is built on over time. The curriculum is organised to address core themes that will be visited horizontally across a year group and vertically visited as children progress through the school. Themes will also be visited “diagonally” through other subjects and at other times. History is taught with a keen focus on historical concepts and historical knowledge. Concepts such as chronology, historical terms are revisited in each unit of History alongside other historical concepts that are relevant to that unit of work.

6 major themes have been selected that include childhood experiences, invasion, settlement, trade and resources and leadership and civilisation.
Learning to be a historian is taught through:


  • Core knowledge supported by the use of knowledge organisers

  • Lessons with depth through the teaching of knowledge alongside historical concepts

  • Children listening to knowledge, taking notes, showing their knowledge through applied essays and testing


At the start of each topic, the children have to answer the Big Question to elicit how much information they may already have about the topic but also to highlight any misconceptions that they may have. Children also look at the current topic that they are studying and where it sits in time with previous topics. The teacher then plans the sequences of lessons following the medium term plans and elicits and assesses children's knowledge and understanding throughout the unit of work.



The impact of the history curriculum will be measured in the following ways:


  • Standards and quality of children’s learning as evaluated through learning reviews, knowledge assessments, essays responses and outcome in books.

  • Pupil voice – children able to confidently talk about their learning and recall recent and previous learning

  • Pupil voice – children able to show how historical knowledge is impacting on their choices as citizens


Please see links below for further information.

History Policy

Humanities Overview 2021 -2022

History Road Map 2022

History Progression Map