Our Science curriculum is designed to enable our pupils to:
Build knowledge of concepts in Science through exploring and investigating
Develop the skills needed to plan and carry out investigations and interpret data
Use scientific language and vocabulary accurately
Understand how science can link to future careers and aspirations
Our Science curriculum is designed to give our children the knowledge and skills required to understand how science relates to their daily life and the wider world. We use Developing Experts to teach our curriculum because requiring knowledge and applying what has been learnt is central to each lesson. As the children move through the school, their knowledge is built upon, giving them a solid foundation of topic specific knowledge and scientific enquiry skills. Our curriculum helps children understand the application of what they are learning in the classroom in the world of work. This widens our children’s knowledge of lesser known careers in STEM.
Developing Experts is delivered through a sequenced curriculum designed to enable the learner to experience a coherent and progressive curriculum where knowledge is delivered, built on and revisited.
Each unit is taught over a series of six lessons. Each lesson;
Activates prior knowledge through a starter activity
Teaches the meaning of scientific vocabulary needed for the lesson
Delivers knowledge and skills through a sequence of teaching slides
Links learning to the world of work
Recaps learning and introduces the assignment task
Finishes with a plenary and quiz
Knowledge organisers provide information regarding lessons and knowledge for each unit. Vocabulary lists are used to ensure children learn scientific vocabulary.
Through a consistent approach to teaching science, children acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to become young scientists and understand how these can be applied to future careers. Teachers use assessment for learning strategies during and at the end of lessons to assess how well children have met the learning intention. Tests are completed at the end of each unit. The teacher assessment frameworks along with the exemplification materials are used to a make statutory teacher assessment judgement at the end of KS1 and KS2. This data is reported to the Local Authority and is published nationally.
Subject leaders monitor the quality of teaching in Science through book and planning scrutiny, lesson observations and learning walks.
Please see links below for further information.