Our work on MFL enables our pupils to become responsible, confident members of a global society who can apply their experiences at Lyon Park Primary School to all future learning and life experiences.
The aims of MFL are:
To give the pupils access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities, making use of native speakers and e-learning.
To develop skills in speaking, understanding, reading and writing.
To foster an interest in other languages in a fun and stimulating way.
To encourage a curiosity about languages.
To ensure children are aware that language has structure and that the structure varies from one language to another.
To develop pride in the pupils’ home language and culture.
To increase further an international dimension to their learning and help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries.
To encourage the development of language learning skills that can be applied to the learning of other languages.
To lay the foundations of future study.
At Lyon Park Primary School, Spanish is taught from Years 3 to 6 for 45 minutes per week by a native Spanish Speaker.
The Spanish lesson is taught each half term in one class of each year.
Each child has their own folder made of all the work that has been done in Spanish from Year 3 to Year 6.
In Year 5, children take part of an eTwinning Pen pal project with another school in Spain where they develop their skills in writing and reading in Spanish.
We also celebrate European Day of Languages during a week in the lessons of Spanish.
We also include in the learning different trips or workshops for each year group in Spanish to make sure that the children are more engaged and understand Spanish culture in a wider perspective.
Spanish may also be included in whole school occasions e.g. Christmas celebrations. The school curriculum map outlines the areas of study for each year group. Two to three units or topics are taught in each half-term. Spanish lesson plans are produced by the Specialist Spanish Teacher and are in line with the school’s planning policy and are designed to meet the attainment targets of the KS2 Languages Programme of Study.
Within each unit, children are taught to know and understand how to:
- Ask and answer questions
- Explore the patterns and sound of the target language
- Engage in real life conversations
- Use correct pronunciation and intonation
- Memorise words
- Read with understanding simple words, phrases and sentences
- Build simple sentences in writing
- Understand basic grammar
- Work in pairs and groups to communicate in Spanish
We assess the children to make sure that they are making good progress in the subject. Formative assessment is used to support teaching and learning and inform future planning. Informal assessment of progress takes place by the teacher during the lessons and oral feedback and when the children produce written work, this is marked in line with the school marking policy. Progress and attainment are reported to parents in each child’s Annual Report.
Pupil progress is recorded, monitored and assessed in line with the National Curriculum 2014.
Evidence is collected in various ways, including:
Examples from lessons e.g. photocopied work from whiteboards
Photocopies of work from activities, workbooks and whiteboards
Recordings of children speaking
Examples from workbooks
Registration responses
The language Magician
Kahoots and Quizzlets quizzes
Please see links below for further information.