Microsoft Teams is an online tool for communicating and sharing resources. It allows teachers to set tasks and share resources with their pupils whether at school or at home.
In the event of a school closure, your child’s class teacher has set up a Microsoft Team for their class. This is a completely private group and only pupils in the class are a member. Through this media, the teacher will be able to set tasks, provide website links and communicate with the pupils.
It is part of the Microsoft Suite, and as such also allows access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc. It has the added benefit of being completely free.
Use of this resource will also encourage your child’s digital literacy, and as many high schools, colleges, universities and work places use this form of media to collaborate with each other, it will stand them in good stead for their future too.
The document below gives a quick guide on the basics of accessing Microsoft Teams and using its basic features.