
School Games Gold Mark

In 2019, Lyon Park was awarded the Gold Schools Game Mark. The Mark is recognition of the schools dedication to school games and physical education. By applying for the award it allows schools to evaluate their PE provision, grading them either bronze, silver or gold, and assists schools in developing an action plan for future progress.

To achieve the gold award a school must meet a certain set of criteria, which includes engaging a high percentage of young people in both curricular and extracurricular activities, participating in a range of competitions across different sports, and reaching out to target groups including young leaders, and those previously identified as the school’s least-active pupils.

We are very proud of this achievement and in particular all our pupils and staff who shown a dedication to school sport every day.



Learn it, Live it, Love it

At Lyon Park Primary School, we believe that physical education is an essential part of every child’s educational development.

We aim to develop an exciting program offering a variety of sports activities to enhance their skills in PE.

We believe regular participation and positive experiences in PE will enable our children to raise their self-esteem, build a strong individual and team work ethic and grow a positive attitude to PE.


Learn it

Develop confidence, skills and knowledge through the PE curriculum.

Pursue excellence and always try to be ambitious.

Live it

Create foundations for children to improve their health and wellbeing

Extra-curricular opportunities for all children.

Love it

Show pride in our achievements.

Promote fair play and sportsmanship.



Physical education is a vital part of school life and our children’s future health and well-being. It is therefore the intent of our curriculum to provide a broad, balanced and inclusive approach to Physical Education which benefits our children. The PE curriculum will encompass the school’s curriculum intent with a relentless drive for our children to progress, which is why we focus on a clear progression of skills. This progression of skills ensures that all pupils including our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those pupils who are disadvantaged have access to a developmental curriculum which is accessible for all.

PE at Lyon Park is always developing and improving. We know that our children always want to try their best and will work hard to learn new skills. Through our curriculum we challenge our children to evaluate their performance, to question their decision making and understand why being able to critique their own and their peer’s performance they can improve outcomes. Further to this we intend for our children to understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding for which to do so.

Beyond PE lessons, we believe that participation in sporting activity is a key element of developing a healthy school community of which our pupils are proud of. Our children all take part in the daily mile to improve their overall fitness and great emphasis is placed upon additional sporting opportunities with before and after-school clubs, inter and intra-school competitions as well as directly working with local clubs and secondary schools to wider our provision. We believe our PE curriculum encapsulates our school’s core values in the following ways:


  • Friendship – working together to improve our skills both individually and as a team.

  • Achievement – celebrating our achievements at all levels.

  • Resilience – our approach to developing skills and always trying our best.

  • Respect – through sportsmanship at all levels.


In doing so promote life-long junior citizens proud to be part of their school and local community.



The school has three sports coaches on site for four days a week to deliver the PE curriculum.

Of the three coaches one is a lead coach who works closely with the subject lead.

The external provider also has a senior member of staff who visits school weekly to deliver CPD and for quality assurance purposes.



  • The school’s long term planning is reviewed annually by the subject lead and external provider.

  • Session planning is provided by the school’s external PE provider.

  • Prior to the delivery of this planning is shared with the schools PE lead.

  • All lesson plans are differentiated for different year groups and ability levels.

  • Coaches adapt the planning to cater to the needs of children with particular SEND needs. This is also part of the external providers internal CPD programme which is delivered at the school weekly.

  • The delivery of these sessions is monitored through joint observations with the external provider’s senior staff and the school’s subject lead. The outcomes of which are shared with the school’s SLT and subsequent areas for improvement addressed.




  • Classes take part in two P.E. sessions each week in KS2 and one session each week in EYFS and KS1.

  • The sessions will start with an active warm up followed by skill and knowledge development activities. These activities can take different forms and range from individual tasks to larger teams. Each session will contain a competitive element and finish with an evaluation of learning including next steps.




  • Sessions will be led by sports coaches from an external provider. The external provider will have one lead coach on site each day supported by two further coaches. The sessions form part of each year groups PPA slot.

  • In Year 4, each class takes part in a nine-week swimming programme at Vale Farm Leisure Centre. The children travel by to the centre by coach.Please note that due to Coronavirus this programme is currently suspended in line with government guidelines.

  • All children take part in the daily mile. This is timetabled into the school day for all children.

  • For team fixtures, these are organised by the lead coach and subject leader. They will be organised in line with the school Educational Visits policy.


Homework / Wider learning:


  • The school has a comprehensive extra-curricular programme which is displayed on this page. Please note that due to Coronavirus this programme is currently suspended in line with the school’s current risk assessment.

  • The school also has links with local clubs. If parents/carers wish to seek advice from the school on how to become involved with local clubs they should contact the school office and ask for the subject leader.




  • New resources are purchased throughout the year to supplement our curriculum and ensure our children have access to high quality equipment.

  • The purchasing of new equipment if the responsibility of the subject leader. The school currently used the PE and Sports Premium funding to do this.

  • Where teachers and coaches feel new equipment is needed this will need to be raised with the subject leader first.





  • At the start of each year teacher/coaches will assess children’s general fitness and skill level using a baseline assessment (this also contains a health and fitness questionnaire).

  • This will help teachers/coaches with future planning as well as identifying their least active pupils.

  • Each topic is introduced with an initial assessment to ascertain children’s current ability. This is followed by an end of topic assessment, which is reported to the subject lead. This will show both attainment and progress.

  • These assessments will be in line with the schools progression of skills map.

  • In Year 4, children’s swimming attainment is assessed by the swimming instructors. This information is then published on the school website each year.


Monitoring and evaluation:


  • There is a monitoring week each term. This includes scrutiny of planning, lesson delivery and skill progression across each year group. Outcomes and next steps are shared with SLT.

  • Numbers of children attending extra-curricular clubs is routinely monitored.

  • Each year the PE curriculum will be reviewed and new action plans developed.

  • The school’s Sports Leaders are involved in the evaluation process.


Please see links below for further information.

Clubs - Yearly Overview


Sports Premium

Sports Premium 2023-2024 including impact statement

Sports Premium 2022-2023 including impact statement

Sports Premium 2020-2021 including impact statement

Sports Premium 2019-2020 including impact statement


Swimming Competency

Year 6 pupils 2023-24 Swimming Competency



Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres











Use a range of strokes effectively






Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations




