School Meals & Packed Lunch

Lyon Park Primary School offers the opportunity for children to either bring a packed lunch or enjoy a hot school meal.


School Meals

Chartwells Catering Company provide our delicious school lunches every day. Our catering team provide meals which offer both hot and cold options. Children are able to choose from a variety of healthy dishes.

Our lunchtime supervisors are also on hand to ensure that children eat their lunches. If children are having difficulty with either their school lunch or packed lunch we will contact parents to let them know.

The cost for school meals are £2.20 per day, this can be credited on to your child’s ParentPay account. If your child is currently in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to free school meals through the government’s “Universal Infant Free School Meals” initiative

Lunch Menu Autumn/Winter 2024


Packed Lunches

Children also have the option of bringing a packed lunch to school. We ask parents to send healthy lunches every day and actively discourage fizzy drinks, sweets or crisps. We are also a nut free school due to several children having a severe allergic reaction to nuts. Please note: this also includes peanut butter.

Please see below for further information.

Healthy Packed Lunches