School Meals & Packed Lunch
Lyon Park Primary School gives children the choice to either bring a packed lunch or enjoy a hot school meal.
School Meals
Chartwells Catering supplies our delicious school lunches daily, offering a range of hot and cold options. Children can choose from a variety of healthy meals.
Our lunchtime supervisors are available to assist and ensure that children are eating their lunches. If any child is having trouble with their school lunch or packed lunch, we will contact parents to inform them.
As part of The Mayor of London's Free School Meal funding/programme, all children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are entitled to free school meals throughout the 2024/25 academic year.
Packed Lunches
Children also have the option to bring a packed lunch to school. We kindly ask parents to provide healthy lunches and encourage avoiding fizzy drinks, sweets, or crisps. As we have several children with severe nut allergies, our school is nut-free, including peanut butter.
For more information, please see below.